GoTTY - the Simple Serial Client

When doing embedded programming, a serial connection is often indispensable, and for this a serial client is needed.

My first experience with such a client was minicom, but I find this overly complicated and non-intuitive. (Which is expected from a program designed to control modems...)

Then I tried GtkTerm. But ...

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Multiple Network Interfaces and Default Routes

To test a multipath application that I am currently working on, I need to setup my laptop with two active network interfaces. As always, I cooked a script to do the work, which uses NetworkManager to read the needed information and iproute2 to setup the routing table(s): ...
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Internet Tunneling Through ICMP

Since I run a server for hosting my websites and providing mail, I decided to setup tunnel service as well. Just in case I get stuck in an airport with limited internet access. Initially, I chose ICMP as the tunneling protocol, but more will follow later.

Server Setup

The server ...

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Testing Wireless Links Between Several Devices

Our batch of Raspberry Pis are all equipped with a TP-LINK TL-WN722N WiFi Dongle, which we use for testing our protocols. During the initial setup of the testbed, we have experience quite some trouble with these devices, as they didn’t always bring up the interface in a proper manner ...

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Running a Raspberry Pi from read-only NFS with AUFS Overlay

Since we have a few dozen raspberry pi to use for testing protocols in my research group, we needed some centralized way to set them up. After some googling, I decided to use read-only NFS for the root filesystem. On top of this, we put a read-write tmpfs to satisfy ...

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