Since we have a few dozen raspberry pi to use for testing protocols in my research group, we needed some centralized way to set them up. After some googling, I decided to use read-only NFS for the root filesystem. On top of this, we put a read-write tmpfs to satisfy various applications, which need to write data to e.g. /var.
Initially, I wanted to use u-boot to fetch the kernel from tftp, but the rpi-edition of u-boot was unstable when doing networking. Instead I decided to put the kernel image on the boot partition as usual.
After some fiddling with cpio, nfs, and a lot more, I created this script: download
project_path = rasp
linux_path = linux
linux_ver = 3.10
linux_url =
linux_cross = ~/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-
linux_config_url =
aufs_path = aufs3-standalone
aufs_ver = $linux_ver
aufs_url = git://
bb_deb_url =
bb_deb_file = $( basename $bb_deb_url )
e2fs_deb_url =
e2fs_deb_file = $( basename $e2fs_deb_url )
cpio_path = initramfs
cpio_init_url =
ntpc_path = ntpclient
ntpc_url =
boot_path = boot
boot_url =
boot_file = $( basename $boot_url )
boot_config_url =
boot_cmdline_url =
nfsroot_path = /srv/nfsroot
nfsroot_url =
nfsroot_file = $( basename $nfsroot_url )
nfsroot_ip =
nfsroot_opts = "(ro,fsid=root,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)"
nfsroot_net =
# check cross compiler
if [ ! -x ${ linux_cross } gcc ] ; then
echo "Please make sure you have cross compiler tool-chain installed"
echo "and configured this script to use it:"
grep -E "^linux_cross" $0
exit 1
# check for ar to extract .deb files
if ! which ar & > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install 'ar'"
exit 1
# check for cpio to create initramfs
if ! which cpio & > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install 'cpio'"
exit 1
# check for git to get sources
if ! which git & > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install 'git'"
exit 1
# check for curl to download files
if ! which curl & > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install curl"
exit 1
# check for bc needed by kernel compile
if ! which bc & > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install bc"
exit 1
# check for /etc/exports needed by nfs
if [ ! -f /etc/exports ] ; then
echo "Please install nfs-utils or the like"
exit 1
# create a project folder
if [ ! -d $project_path ] ; then
mkdir -p $project_path || exit 1
cd $project_path
project_path = $( pwd )
# get ntpclient source
if [ ! -d $ntpc_path ] ; then
git clone $ntpc_url $ntpc_path || exit 1
# compile ntpclient with static libs
cd $ntpc_path
sed -i -E "s/CFLAGS([\t ]+)=/CFLAGS\1+=/" Makefile || exit 1
CC = ${ linux_cross } gcc CFLAGS = "-static -static-libgcc" make || exit 1
cd ..
# create initramfs image
if [ ! -d $cpio_path ] ; then
mkdir -p $cpio_path || exit 1
cd $cpio_path
# prepare fs layout
mkdir -p aufs bin dev etc lib proc rootfs rw sbin sys usr/{ bin,sbin}
touch etc/mdev.conf
if [ ! -c dev/console ] ; then sudo mknod -m 622 dev/console c 5 1 || exit 1; fi
if [ ! -c dev/tty0 ] ; then sudo mknod -m 622 dev/tty0 c 4 0 || exit 1; fi
if [ ! -b dev/nfs ] ; then sudo mknod -m 622 dev/nfs b 0 255 || exit 1; fi
if [ ! -c dev/null ] ; then sudo mknod -m 622 dev/null c 1 3 || exit 1; fi
# install ntpclient
cp -a ../$ntpc_path /ntpclient bin/ntpclient || exit 1
# get busybox
if [ ! -f ../$bb_deb_file ] ; then
curl $bb_deb_url -o ../$bb_deb_file || exit 1
# extract busybox
ar p ../$bb_deb_file data.tar.gz | \
tar zxf - ./bin/busybox -O > bin/busybox || exit 1
# install busybox and sh
chmod +x bin/busybox || exit 1
if [ ! -h bin/sh ] ; then ln -s busybox bin/sh || exit 1; fi
# get e2fsck.static
if [ ! -f ../$e2fs_deb_file ] ; then
curl $e2fs_deb_url -o ../$e2fs_deb_file || exit 1
# extract and install e2fsck.static
ar p ../$e2fs_deb_file data.tar.gz | \
tar zxf - ./sbin/e2fsck.static -O > sbin/e2fsck.static || exit 1
chmod +x sbin/e2fsck.static || exit 1
# get init script
if [ ! -f init ] ; then
curl $cpio_init_url -o init || exit 1
# install init script
chmod +x init || exit 1
# create initramfs image
find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../initramfs.cpio
cd ..
# prepare escaped strings for sed
i = $( echo $nfsroot_ip | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' ) || exit 1
p = $( echo $nfsroot_path | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' ) || exit 1
n = $( echo $nfsroot_net | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' ) || exit 1
o = $( echo $nfsroot_opts | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' ) || exit 1
# get and extract nfs root files
if [ ! -f $nfsroot_file ] ; then
curl $nfsroot_url -o $nfsroot_file || exit 1
#sudo tar pxf $project_path/$nfsroot_file -C $(dirname $nfsroot_path) || exit 1
# setup nfs exports
if grep -q $nfsroot_path /etc/exports; then
sudo sed -E -i "s/^ $p .*/ $p $n$o /" /etc/exports || exit 1
echo " $nfsroot_path $nfsroot_net$nfsroot_opts " | sudo tee -a /etc/exports || exit 1
sudo exportfs -rav || exit 1
# get kernel source
if [ ! -d $linux_path ] ; then
git clone -b rpi-${ linux_ver } .y $linux_url $linux_path || exit 1
# get aufs source
if [ ! -d $aufs_path ] ; then
git clone -b aufs$aufs_ver $aufs_url $aufs_path || exit 1
# setup and compile kernel
cd $linux_path
# patch kernel source
aufs_hdr_path = include/uapi/linux
git reset --hard HEAD
cp -a ../$aufs_path /fs .
cp -a ../$aufs_path /$aufs_hdr_path /aufs_type.h $aufs_hdr_path || exit 1
for f in aufs3-kbuild.patch aufs3-base.patch aufs3-mmap.patch; do
git apply ../$aufs_path /$f || exit 1
# get config file
if [ ! -f .config ] ; then
curl $linux_config_url -o .config
# configure kernel
make ARCH = arm CROSS_COMPILE = $linux_cross olddefconfig || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/.* ${ o } .*/ ${ o } =y/" .config || exit 1
# update config with new options
echo update after $o
make ARCH = arm CROSS_COMPILE = $linux_cross olddefconfig || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/.*(CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE).*/\1=\"..\/initramfs.cpio\"/" .config || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/.*(CONFIG_LOCALVERSION)(=| ).*/\1=\"-aufs\"/" .config || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/.*(CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO).*/\1=y/" .config || exit 1
make ARCH = arm CROSS_COMPILE = $linux_cross olddefconfig || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/.*(CONFIG_AUFS_BR_HFSPLUS).*/\1=n/" .config || exit 1
# now compile it
make ARCH = arm CROSS_COMPILE = $linux_cross -j$( nproc) || exit 1
# install modules to nfsroot
sudo make ARCH = arm CROSS_COMPILE = $linux_cross INSTALL_MOD_PATH = $nfsroot_path \
modules_install || exit 1
cd ..
# prepare boot folder
if [ ! -f $boot_file ] ; then
curl $boot_url -o $boot_file || exit 1
tar xf $boot_file || exit 1
# prepare boot files
cp $linux_path /arch/arm/boot/zImage $boot_path || exit 1
curl $boot_config_url -o $boot_path /config.txt || exit 1
curl $boot_cmdline_url -o $boot_path /cmdline.txt || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/nfsroot=[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+:[\/0-9a-zA-Z]+/nfsroot= $i : $p /" \
$boot_path /cmdline.txt || exit 1
sed -i -E "s/ntphost=[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ntphost= $i /" \
$boot_path /cmdline.txt || exit 1
# done :)
cat <<EOF
Now please start your nfs server and make sure it is listening on $nfsroot_ip
On systemd-based distributions:
$ sudo systemctl start rpc-idmapd
$ sudo systemctl start rpc-mountd
On debian/ubuntu:
$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server start
Then copy the contents of
to the first partion on the sd-card and enjoy network booting with copy-on-write
overlay filesystem :)
The script compiles a Linux kernel with AUFS and a initramfs to do the NFS and AUFS mounting. It also downloads a tarball with the minimal raspbian install and unpacks it to /srv/nfsroot (unless changed).
When you have run the script, you can prepare the sdcard using this script: download
dev = $1
path = $2
if [ " $dev " == "" ] ; then
echo "Please specify device to setup"
exit 1
if [ ! -b $dev ] ; then
echo " $dev is not a block device"
exit 1
if [ " $dev " == "/dev/sda" ] ; then
echo "I refuse to work with $dev "
exit 1
if [ " $path " == "" ] || [ ! -d $path ] ; then
echo "Please specify a folder with boot content"
exit 1
echo Configuring $dev
echo Using $path
# clear and add fat partition for boot
( echo o; echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo ; echo +100M; echo t; echo b; echo w) | sudo fdisk $dev || exit 1
# add linux partition for home
( echo n; echo p; echo 2; echo ; echo ; echo w) | sudo fdisk $dev || exit 1
# make fat fs
sudo mkfs.vfat -n BOOT ${ dev } 1 || exit 1
# make ext4 fs
sudo mkfs.ext4 -L HOME ${ dev } 2 || exit 1
# mount and copy contents to boot
sudo mount ${ dev } 1 /mnt || exit 1
sudo cp $path /* /mnt/ || exit 1
sudo umount /mnt || exit 1
# mount and create home folder on home
sudo mount ${ dev } 2 /mnt || exit 1
sudo mkdir /mnt/pi || exit 1
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/pi || exit 1
sudo umount /mnt || exit 1
echo "Done"
There might be something I have missed, but the scripts can also be used for inspiration.